Wednesday, May 29, 2019

3 Tips That Keep Me Inspired

Yes, Writer's Block is real and it truly does hold a writer back from working on their masterpiece. Yes, I still get writer's block, however, I found a way that works for me that may very well work for you as well. Here are 3 Tips that keep me inspired.

Be Consistent: Writers write, it is just what we do. However, what I found what works for me is to work on multiple projects/stories at one time. When one dries up, move on to the next one. Yes, you can focus on one story for a long time, but it is not healthy for the brain to stay stuck, especially if you keep racking in during writer's block. Even if it is a tiny story or a poem be consistent with your craft. Something small over here may be something gigantic over there. You got this, keep moving forward. 

Keep Away From Social Media: It is a huge distraction, we all love it, but it pulls almost everyone away from what they should truly be focusing on. If you have a goal of writing 500 words a day, do not touch any Social Media platforms until you reach it. Turn off your data, turn off your wifi, better yet, turn off your phone. Unless you need it for research unplug or disconnect from your internet on your desktop computer or laptop as well. Keep away from Social Media unless you truly have to be on there.

Write In Your Space: Find a place where you can write and I mean truly write. I cannot write unless there is complete silence, ha, even the fan has to be off as the slightest sound distracts me from focusing on my writing goals. This may sound weird, but I like to write in the dark as well, odd I know, but it works for me. Find a space to write in that suits you. If it is at a desk, sit at that desk. If it is under the blankets snuggled in bed with the laptop then do it. You need a space to call your own. The more comfortable you are the more likely you will hit your writing goals on the target date.

I hope these tips help. If you have any tips of your own please share them in the comment section below. 

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